Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Face | Body Painting Guide

There are a lot of activities that are indeed fun and exciting. You will surely appreciate body and face painting. This way, you will be able to express your emotions. It is also one good way to be creative and artistic in some ways. You just need to realize that you have to be cautious with regards to the things and materials that you will use. Make sure that they are not sensitive to the skin. There are some things that you always need to keep in mind.


The first thing that you need to do is to plan for the activity that you want to do. Make sure that you will be able to formulate the plan way ahead of the date of the activity. You have to consider a lot of things with regards to the plan that you will do such as the materials that you will use. The participants preference and many more.


It is very vital that you will only use the paints that are appropriate for the skin of the models or participants. Make sure that the paints are hypoallergenic and will not cause any allergies especially to kids. Try to look for these paints in stores near you. There are also online sites that will help you buy the best paints to use for the activity. The colors of the paint must also be considered. Red, blue and yellow are very important colors that you need to consider.


There are materials that you will need to be able to perform this activity. Sponges are very important for some designs especially those that will cover large areas of the body. Brushes are also important for the details of each design that you will paint. Make sure that you have various sizes of sponges and brushes.

There are a few things that you have to keep in mind if you want to do face and body painting. You need to plan ahead of time for the activity that you will do. You also need to use correct paints, sponges and brushes. Try to remember the tips to have a guide for the activity.

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